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G691 Right Hand Universal Tin Snips 350mm (14in)

Availability: 5 in stock

Est. Delivery Time: 3-5 days

The IRWIN Gilbow G69 is a right hand cranked shear that is suitable for straight cutting and off cutting in an anti-clockwise direction. They have accurately ground edges that ensure the material being cut does not slip out of the jaws and become damaged. The hollow ground jaw faces provide a longer life to the cutting edge.

Gilbow G69 tin snips are jointed with a nut and bolt design essential in ensuring the longest possible life of the joint, whilst keeping a good easy smooth cutting movement. They have a great cutting capability which is much greater than the strength of the user and will provide a good, clean, easy cut edge to any workpiece.

1 x Gilbow G691 Right Hand Universal Tin Snips 350mm (14in)

Price € 66,80 excl VAT€ 82,16 incl VAT

5 in stock